Water Softeners and filters – Domestic and Industrial type

water softener
water softener

A common problem on our island is the presence of calcium and magnesium in the tap water, commonly known as hardness. This cause scaling of your water faucets in kitchen and bathroom and leads to early clogging of these mechanisms not to mention the
unsightly effects.

The easiest way to deal with this problem is to employ a water softener on your incoming mains. This equipment will absorb the hardness minerals from the water and replace them with sodium, which it takes
from salt put into the cabinet. Every so often the resin that makes this possible, needs to be regenerated and the softener will automatically do this by passing a saturated solution of salt through the unit.

The result….soft water that will not stain your fittings and will give you fantastic results with regards to washing clothes and your hair

WARRANTY: One year


Model : SOF 20 and SOF 25
Includes: cabinet
Automatic head
Control: Autotrol head
Dimensions: 110cm x 40 x 40cm
Power: 12 VDC
Resin: 20 or 25L
Salt uptake: Typical 3kg per 5 days.